Scoresby Sund, the longest fjord in the world, cuts into the East Greenlandic Mountains 350 kilometers (216 miles), is 50 kilometers (30 miles) wide and occupies an area equivalent to the states of Massachusetts and Connecticut combined. This is one of the most remote and wildest regions on Earth. It was named in honor of English explorer William Scoresby who mapped the fjord in 1822.
Wildlife, including muskox, foxes, Arctic hares, short-tailed weasels and lemmings are commonly seen in the large river-valleys. Near Hekla Haven, large areas of expansive tundra dotted with hundreds of freshwater ponds have transformed into the brilliant reds and yellows of Arctic autumn.
Rødefjord is world-famous for its iceberg graveyard. Three large tidewater glaciers including three kilometer (2 mile) wide Rølige Brae glacier drain into fjord. Hundreds of icebergs, having calved from the glacial faces, are trapped in the shallows of the bay. Elegantly sculpted by wind and water into a blue-ice wonderland of picturesque forms, they are one of the most dramatic landscapes imaginable.