Seabourn Conversations, Featured Speaker
Peter Damisch explores this beautiful planet, yielding close, personal interactions with intriguing people. He has written about hundreds of explorers and ancient civilizations as well as expeditions, empires, piracy, sailing, navigation, weather and leadership. He's currently writing an encyclopedia-sized book spanning centuries of Antarctic and southern-ocean exploration.
Peter has over two million kilometers at sea with 120+ polar and 150+ tropical/temperate expeditions, including operations in the world’s remotest locations. His multiple circumnavigations include the North Pole, Eurasia, Africa, North and South America as well as crossing all oceans and most seas. Further, Peter's adventures include sailing on Cook’s Endeavour square-rigged replica, visiting isolated villages, white-water rafting, glacier and orangutan trekking, parasailing, ziplining and operating along erupting volcanoes.
Peter has been captain of more than 200 sail and motor vessels and featured in multiple media, including NBC’s Today Show, BBC, CBS, Discovery Channel, HBO, Learning Channel and MTV. He is the former manager of Bluewater Sailing and CEO of NASDAQ corporations. Peter is also a retired navy captain with six assignments as commanding or executive officer and awards including the Legion of Merit. He was the world’s first instructor-examiner for both American Sailing Association and International Yacht Training. Peter holds multiple graduate degrees and is globally well known for his inspirational, educational and humorous discussions on a wide variety of topics. After working in over 195 countries and offshore waters of 55 other nations, he continues his ongoing pursuit into the heart of travel enrichment.