Named in 1818 by explorer Captain John Ross for the English astronomer John Pond, Pond Inlet is a town with over 1,600 inhabitants. It stands out as one of northern Canada’s most interesting, culturally rich, and welcoming communities. The town offers a glimpse into the life of the modern Inuit, with caribou antlers and skulls adorning private homes, and hides of seals, caribou, and occasionally polar bears drying on racks in the sun. The local market features parts of seal, whale, caribou, and a wide variety of fish. Wooden sledges, known as qamutiqs, now towed by snowmobiles instead of dogs, can be seen in front yards, ready for the first snowfall. The local museum and cultural center host cultural performances that showcase unique Inuit throat-singing, with dancers dressed in traditional sealskin anoraks and mukluks.
Disclaimer: This port is a clearance port on nearly all itineraries, however when conditions perfectly align, excursions to this port may be featured.