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Malaga, Spain
Activity Level
Moderate Activity
Excursion Type
Wheelchair Accessible
Starting At (prices in USD)
Minimum Age
Information Not Currently Available
Approximately 8 Hours
Meals Included
Meals included
Today's journey by air-conditioned motorcoach heads inland from Málaga, climbing into the mountains through a scenic area where human habitation is non-existent and wild goats graze in idle languor, avoiding unnecessary exertion at all costs.
Your destination is the charming town of Ronda, perched on the top of a steep hill and surrounded on three sides by a lush valley gorge. Its very name means "surrounded" and, indeed, with the Tajo Gorge plummeting dramatically beneath the city's roost, it offers a feeling of being completely enveloped in scenic splendor.
As you begin your walking tour of this Moorish town, take note of the cobblestone streets, white houses and imposing porticos. Your guide will point out many highlights. You'll step inside the Santa Maria Church and learn how and why it was built over the site of a mosque.
Visit the oldest bullring in the country -- a true claim to fame in a country where the sport of bullfighting is an enduring anachronism.
Bosco House is a rather cool Modernist-style building from the early 20th century. Its tiles, tapestries and ceramics form an eclectic collection that is both busy and restful at the same time.
Watch for the Palacio Mondragon and the famous Puente Nuevo -- the latter is a famous bridge affording outstanding views.
Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant before returning to the port.
Please note: Wear comfortable walking shoes.