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West Point Island, Falkland Islands

Albatrosses have long captured the imagination of sailors, roaming the vast oceans, embracing storms and winds far from the safety of land and so at ease in the roughest sea conditions. In summer, a large colony of black-browed albatrosses come to breed on West Point Island. Along with rockhopper penguins, they reside between the rocky ledges and among the tussock grass.  Other species can also be seen throughout the island: fur seals and sea lions visit its shores and dolphins frequent its harbor. Cliff Mountain, its highest point, rises to 1,250’ (381 meters) above the highest sea cliffs in the Falklands. The Napier family, descendants of the original farmers, still own and operate West Point Island as a traditional sheep farm. Living in a modest family house sheltered by weathered Monterey cypress trees, they welcome visitors in for a cup of tea. Experience West Point’s spectacular scenery, abundant wildlife and its human population of just two, Lily and Roddy Napier.


Walks on shore and Exploration with the Expedition Team

Join the Expedition Team for a Zodiac landing on West Point Settlement. A leisurely walk across the island will lead us to tussock-grass covered area with cliffs, full of breeding seabirds. Majestic Black-browed albatrosses, Rockhopper penguins and Blue-eyed cormorants.