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Giardini Naxos (Taormina), Italy
Activity Level
Strenuous Activity
Excursion Type
Wheelchair Accessible
Starting At (prices in USD)
Minimum Age
Information Not Currently Available
Approximately 5¼ Hours
Meals Included
Meals not included
Mt Etna is a highly active volcano with scientific value combined with incredible historical and cultural significance.
Your adventure starts from the pier with a drive that takes you through the ancient town of Naxos. Climbing a scenic road up Mt Etna, you'll travel through small villages, lemon groves and pine woods.
At the Crateri Silvestri area, approximately 6,500 feet above sea level, the highlight of your excursion will be a thrilling cable car ride up the slopes of Europe's largest active volcano. The cable car takes you up part way; then, you will transfer to a 4x4 van for the remainder of the ride to an elevation of 9,500 feet.
A professional alpine-vulcanologist guide meets you here for a walk among the expansive lava fields, which afford sweeping vistas across the Catania Gulf.
Enjoy 30 minutes of free time to explore the remnants of awe-inspiring streams of lava before beginning your descent from this surreal landscape.
Please note: Tour operates dependent upon the accessibility of Mt Etna. Participants must be in good physical condition. Wear sturdy non-skid, closed-toe shoes. Bring a windbreaker or sweater; it can be cool at higher elevations. The cable car, Unimog and hike are not exclusive to Seabourn guests. Mt Etna is an active volcano and erupts frequently; participate at your own risk.