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Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
Activity Level
Moderate Activity
Excursion Type
Wheelchair Accessible
Starting At (prices in USD)
Minimum Age
Information Not Currently Available
Approximately 4 Hours
Meals Included
Meals included
Discover the many charms of Sardinia, including its lovely landscapes and wines.
A short panoramic drive through the city brings you to the Basilica Bonaria. Take in the vista over Cagliari, and your guide will introduce you to some local culture and the fascinating history of this impressive church.
Continuing to Monte Urpino, a brief photo stop offers commanding views of the Gulf of Angels, the salt ponds, and the Molentargius Lagoon -- a safe haven for a host of splendid pink flamingos.
Drive to a winery for a wine tasting and a snack with Sardinian products. Purchase some wine if you wish.
Returning to Cagliari's city center, enjoy approximately 45 minutes of free time to explore this bustling city on your own before returning to the ship.
Please note: Not advisable for guests with mobility limitations. Tour requires about 60 minutes of walking. Terrain includes at least 25 steps. Corkage policy: Wine purchased on this tour is exempt from the on-board corkage fee (offer limited to one bottle of wine per person). Tour sequence may vary.