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Tangier, Morocco
Activity Level
Easy Activity
Excursion Type
Wheelchair Accessible
Starting At (prices in USD)
Minimum Age
Information Not Currently Available
Approximately 7-8 hours - Price is per vehicle, not per person. See additional NOTES below.
Meals Included
Meals not included
Explore at your own pace with a private vehicle, and English-speaking driver guide at your service. This exclusive tour is designed to allow you the chance to customize your time ashore and discover the most interesting sights in the comfort and privacy of your own vehicle. With your private vehicle, and the personalized attention of your driver and English-speaking guide, you will have the flexibility and independence to design your itinerary ashore according to your own interests, and take in the sights at your own pace. See the famous sights, or go beyond to create your own intimate connections and unique cultural encounters. Recommended for the single/solo traveler, couples, family, friends, and special interest groups traveling together. It can also be an excellent choice for guests with mobility limitations.
Capacity: 4 guests. Your private party may be of any size up to the maximum capacity.
Please note: Private minivans are ordered per vehicle (not per person), so only one person in the party needs to order the vehicle. The price shown is the total cost for the vehicle, driver, and English-speaking guide. Entrance fees for attractions are not included. In many destinations, the number of vehicles available is extremely limited, so guests are encouraged to secure their private vehicle reservation as early as possible. An additional charge applies for travel outside of Tangier's city limits. $129 will be added to your on-board account if you choose to visit Tetouan or Asilah. Drive time is 1 hour and 30 minutes (65km) each way and requires 5 hours. $299 will be added to your on-board account if you choose to go to Chaouen. The drive time to Chaouen is 2 hours and 30 minutes (230 Km) each way - recommended time is 9 hours. Visiting Chaouen is not possible on all calls.