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Corfu, Greece
Activity Level
Moderate Activity
Excursion Type
Wheelchair Accessible
Starting At (prices in USD)
Minimum Age
Information Not Currently Available
Approximately 4 Hour
Meals Included
Meals included
Set out on this excursion that is ideal both for photography enthusiasts and for those who just want to bring home the best possible holiday snaps. A local photographer will mentor you, offering practical hints on framing the best shots of the fascinating architectural features you will see today.
Your tour will begin with a short, panoramic minibus drive through the Old Town of Corfu. The Old Town is a fortified Mediterranean port town of high integrity and authenticity.
Explore on foot with your local guide to discover Corfu's most interesting sites. Take photos of St Spyridon Church, dedicated to the protector of the island. See the charming narrow alleyways of the old Venetian town -- idyllically photogenic -- and the famous Esplanade.
One of the largest town squares in Europe, elegant Liston Square was once only open to the aristocracy of Corfu.
Nearby is the Dimarcheio or Town Hall, and the imposing and photographically dramatic Palace of St Michael and St George.
Across the Esplanade and through the fortification, you will discover one of Corfu's best-kept secrets -- the Corfu Yacht Club. An elegant lunch awaits you here, and you can check your photos from the tour.
Please note: Wear comfortable non-skid walking shoes. Bring your camera or device; anything from a top-end camera to a cell phone or tablet is perfectly acceptable. This tour is geared towards beginners and hobby photographers; no extensive prior knowledge is required.