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Iqaliut, Nunavut, Canada

In 1576, English explorer Martin Frobisher sailed into Frobisher Bay in search of a route to China. What he “discovered” was a large inlet with numerous Inuit fishing and hunting camps along its shores. The name Iqaluit means ‘a place of many fish’ in Inuktitut. Although the Inuit people had been here for thousands of years prior, they hadn’t establish a permanent settlement. It wasn’t until 1942 that the first Inuit made Iqaluit home. They settled here to help service the U.S. Air Force base, which was used to ferry aircraft to Europe during World War II.


Iqaluit, the capital of the Canadian territory of Nunavut, has 7,700 inhabitants. Some 60% of its residents are Inuit. A highlight of a visit here is the Nunatta Sunakkutaangit Museum, with its beautiful displays of Inuit art, artifacts and dioramas of Arctic life. St. Jude's Cathedral, often referred to as the ‘Igloo Cathedral’ because of its unique architectural design, is likewise of interest to visitors.