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Canakkale, Turkey
Activity Level
Strenuous Activity
Excursion Type
Wheelchair Accessible
Starting At (prices in USD)
Minimum Age
Information Not Currently Available
Approximately 4 Hours
Meals Included
Meals not included
Dig deeper into the history of legendary Troy during a guided tour of its ruins and its award-winning Troy Museum. Once a thriving ancient city of Asia Minor, today’s archaeological site of Troy shows evidence that as many as nine cities existed on this spot over millennia. But it is most remembered as the setting of the Trojan War, described by Homer in the Iliad.
You will meet your guide and drive into Anatolia to view this incredibly preserved city. Hear the story of Helen of Troy and see the walls that were besieged during the famous war. As you explore, your guide will bring a rich history to life. Continue to the museum, its four floors displaying a trove of rare artifacts from Troy and the surrounding region. Marvel at fascinating items like history’s first written treaty and one of the world’s oldest sarcophagi.
This extraordinary excursion promises a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will undoubtedly be the highlight of your Canakkale getaway.
Please note: Shade is limited; please dress accordingly. Bring a hat and wear sunscreen. Wear comfortable walking shoes. Not advisable for guests using a wheelchair.